Friday, December 26, 2008

Post-Christmas Trauma

'Twas the day after Christmas,
And all through the store,
Crazed shoppers were pricing,
And returning their gifts.

.....The day after a major gift-giving holiday is a nightmare for retail cashier/customer service people. Tonight, I did 324 returns for people who didn't like their Christmas gifts. Whatever happened to just being happy with whatever "Santa" put under the tree??!!

But, and most retail people will agree, the real nightmare comes from those "difficult" ones who have no receipt, don't like the policies, and blame the cashier for their headaches.


bro milk said...

hey rob...uhh...scotty,beam me aboard.

Hannah Elisabeth said...

ah yes! the wonderful, wonderful world of retail...oh the memories... those difficult customers that i wanted to throw something at...glad i'm not in that industry anymore, at least not at the moment, and not through the end of the school year...come summer who knows..